What we do
A short explainer video on what we do to convert your camera.
Filter selection guide
Helps you decide on which filter you would like to convert with by showing you what you can do in Photoshop.
Infrared film glow
Explains how simple it is to mimic the glow of infrared film in digital IR photos using Photoshop
Adding texture to IR images
Shows you an easy way of adding texture to Infrared images
Infrared RAW file white balance issues & solutions
This video explains that Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom cannot properly interpret IR RAW files. Shows how to use Nikon Capture NX2 and Canon Digital Photo Professional instead. Also explains how some Nikon IR cameras cannot properly set a white balance in camera, working in RAW with NX2 is the best alternative method for proper IR WB. Download Zip file of 3 image files from a Nikon D5000: IR RAW with WB set | IR RAW without WB | IR JPEG with WB set
Editing Infrared Photos with a DNG Profile Editor, Lightroom, and Photoshop
Setting White Balance on Infrared Images with Lightroom (DNG Profile Editor)

Importance of setting the custom/preset white balance
Shows the huge difference a simple custom white balance setting can make in your IR images
How to swap color channels in Standard IR Filter infrared images to get the blue sky effect
Explains the blue sky channel swap technique for Standard Color IR Filter images.
How to swap color channels in Enhanced IR Filter infrared images
Explains the blue sky channel swap technique for Enhanced Color IR Filter images.
How to correct off-color highlights in color infrared images
Shows how to remove highlight color casts that sometimes occur in color IR photos
How to swap color channels in Super Color IR Filter infrared images
Explains the blue sky channel swap technique for Super Color IR Filter images.
How to make independent adjustments for color and black & white infrared images
A more detailed tutorial on adjusting color IR photos and controlled B&W IR conversion method
Latest articles by Vitaly Druchinin (see all articles)
- Life Pixel IR Learning Series Preview - September 22, 2016
- Secondhand Camera Buying Guide - January 26, 2016
- Variable Infrared Filters - January 23, 2016
I am shooting with a Fuji converted XE1. Not sure if I will Use Raw or Jpeg. What software would you suggest.? The camera had a full spectrum conversion.
Hi there, I would suggest shooting in RAW and downloading the RAW editor for your camera, Capture one Express for Fujifilm. That will make setting a proper white balance easier
Just a question. I used to use a Hoya R72 filter on my Nikon D70s and was able to capture IR images with a fairly fast shutter speed. That said, I had to compose with the camera on a tripod and the filter off. I always thought that CCD sensors passed more IR than CMOS sensors. Is that correct?
Hi Scott,
When using an external IR filter on an unconverted camera, the biggest variable is how well the OEM filter works at blocking out IR. If you can get a fairly fast exposure using the R72 or similar, then this indicates that the original filter on the sensor allows sufficient IR lighting to bleed through.
A camera converted to IR is going to be very sensitive to IR for both CCD and CMOS sensors.
I have a Nikon D70 that has been converted using a standard IR filter I believe. All my images turn out red, and the video said to take a picture of foliage to set that as the preset white balance but that still doesn’t work. Is there a certain white balance I should use when I take a photo of the foliage to get the less red result?
You may find this article useful. https://www.lifepixel.com/photo-tutorials/master-white-balance
@Gabriel, I have a Nikon D100 and found out that I got a better white balance setting up a Custom White Balance as per the manual using a Neutral Grey. In my case, living in the far south west of Ireland, a nice plain medium/light grey slab of rock in the sunshine worked well.
@Gabriel I also do recommend Dan’s link above which explains it all very well
I’ve been reading through this blog extensively and there is a lot of great info here! I’m looking for specific information on Hydrogen Alpha Wavelength Sensitivity Conversions. Everything I’ve read, and I may have missed it, I haven’t been able to find anything on this specific conversion. I see stuff on IR conversions and Full spectrum conversion, different filter types but nothing on the H Alpha conversion. Am I missing it?
Hi Andrew,
Our H-alpha conversion passes from 400-700nm at almost 100%. Also, we have the transmission curve for this filter in any of the links below.
Thanks for the response Daniel! I guess I was hoping to find some images taken with the camera to compare it to other mods. Much like whats going on in the Filter Selection Guide.
I cannot find Adobe Lab’s DNG Profile editor on their website. Is this still the software required?
For a pc or a mac?
I’m having the same problem finding the dng profile editor – I have a MAC and am running Catalina and ps2021and bridge 2021
The videos use photoshop but don’t say what version. I have Photoshop 7.0, will
I be able to do what the videos show here?
Your version of Photoshop should allow for most of what we show. I think we used an older version too, CS3 I believe.
I am using a Mac High Sierra 10.13.4 and camera is a Nikon D7100 which is in the process of being switched over to infrared. I contacted Nikon and they no longer support Capture NX 2 and I can’t download the Canon Digital Photo Professional as I shoot with a Nikon. Do you have any suggestions for processing the infrared photos. I have downloaded the Nikon NX D but the reviews are not very favorable for this program.
Dane Wilson
Hi Dane, I suggest using Capture NX-D; it is a free download. Good Luck!
I have downloaded the Capture NX-D from https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/download/sw/112.html you are correct it is free.
You are also correct when you told me how much more detail you get in an image just by putting it through the Nikon Software.
Thanks a million, Dan.
The “Adding Texture” video is not working.
Hi David,
It’s working for me!
Wow. I am completely blown away by the fact that I’ve been missing out on the supercolor filter’s true potential shooting IR Nikon RAW files. So glad I came to visit this page. The “Infrared RAW file white balance issues & solutions” was huge for me. I’ve been missing out on the color information for almost a year, forcing me to work really hard with multiple programs to get the color separation with my super color filter! As a Nikon IR shooter, Capture NX-2 is worth every penny if you must shoot RAW and want the amazing colors. Thank you guys so much. Super helpful!!
I am looking to convert my Nikon D-70 to Infer red. I have used infer red film in film cameras, and had to use a filter on the front of the camera to achieve the effect I was looking for. Is a filter required on the front of a DSLR that has been converted to IR?
I also need a price as to what it will cost to do the conversion on my D-70.
Thank you for your time
Hey Judy,
We can definitely convert your D70 to IR. You will not need to use an external filter on your lens. The price is $275 for most crop-sensor DSLRs, here is the link where you can find more information.
Now that it is May 2017 here in the present what other editing software works well with IR from purchased to freeware as apposed to photoshop?
Hey William,
Photoshop is still the most popular editing software so all of these tutorials are still helpful and insightful. For RAW processing, you are still limited to the manufacturers RAW converter or creating a DNG profile through Adobe.
If the software you enjoy using has a channel mixer, you can do the channel swap on there as well. What specific software do you have in mind?
GIMP works well. Plus, there is an excellent red/blue channel swap video tutorial on YouTube
Appreciating the time and effort that goes into making the tutorials, I’d suggest beginning to update them using later Photoshop editions than those used here. Just sayin’. (Me, hated to go for the cloud(ed) version, but there are too many worthwhile tools there to ignore.)
I had a Nikon D7000 converted to super colour? Primarily I will be using it to shoot studio and location nude’s. How would I set the white balance…everything points to grass & foliage…what do you use for skin with strobes? Have you any tutorials for such a pracrice?
Hello Ant, Thank you for your comment. For infrared people photography on location you could still white balance on foliage . In a studio setting for nude model infrared photography it would make sense to use a grey card as your IR white balance target. Dan Wampler, our instructor has a lot of experience photographing infrared models on location and indoors. You may consider scheduling an online training session with him and he’d be able to answer just about any question you have when it comes to photographing infrared images, landscape and humans alike.
Great videos and very informative. I have ordered the conversion of a Sony AR7Mk2 with a Super Color Filter. I am still curious about the raw file white balance problem and the need to run the file through proprietary software before using Lightroom or Photoshop. I was told to use Capture One for the Sony ARW files, but this might be old info. I note that in many of the above videos your are demonstrating with Lightroom / Photoshop 3 or 5. Does this issue still exist with the Creative Cloud versions (6 I think)? Is using the Adobe DHG Profile Editor easier than Capture One or Play Memories? John Howard j.how@me.com
Hi John, All of our videos are using JPEGs that have already been converted from RAW files so the embedded custom white balance is in the file. Each manufacture has their own proprietary RAW conversion software so if you are going to shoot in RAW, then you will want to use Sony’s Capture One. If you do not want to do this, then the alternative is to create a DNG profile as shown in the two videos below that have DNG in the title.