Infrared Conversions, IR Modifications & Photography Tutorials | Life Pixel IR
The world leader in infrared conversions, modifications & DIY IR conversion tutorials. Scratched sensor replacement, UV & Full spectrum conversions.
The world leader in infrared camera conversions
Manish Mamtani is an Avid nature photographer who has travelled widely across exotic destinations in the US. Born and brought up in Nagpur – India, he came to the US to work as an IT/Finance consultant, where he discovered his love for photography. He travels during the weekends to take pictures. His work includes Landscapes, Night/Astro and Infrared and has been published in National geographic, Vanity fair, Better Photography Magazine, Digital Photo etc.
Manish Says –
I do Landscapes and Astro Landscapes for my love of Nature and infrared is something that brings out the artistic side in me. I take Landscape and Astro Landscape pictures to show how beautiful the Nature is and Infrared photos to show how I imagine this world to be. Infrared photography takes me to my own dream world.
I use a full spectrum Canon 550D. I have various filters that I use for Infrared. I mostly use 700nm, 590nm and 830nm. 700nm gives me subtle colors while I use 590nm for bright colors in the final picture. I use 830nm for Black and White infrared photography.
I recently bought a Canon 6D and getting it converted into full spectrum as well for Infrared and Deep Sky Photography.