Infrared Conversions, IR Modifications & Photography Tutorials | Life Pixel IR
The world leader in infrared conversions, modifications & DIY IR conversion tutorials. Scratched sensor replacement, UV & Full spectrum conversions.
The world leader in infrared camera conversions
Susanna Euston is a long-time, award winning photographer, and artist and graphic designer. Her background includes work in the for-profit and non-profit sectors, and the arts.
For most of her 35+ years in the design and photographic arts, documentary photography was her focus. She took a break from her career beginning 2006, which also provided a chance for in-depth reflection and re imagining of her art.
In a series of events that she now views as in perfect synchronicity, she began to experiment with abstract nature photography. As she and it grew in vision and technique, she realized she had finally found her artistic niche.
In 2012 Susanna had her first camera converted to Infrared (720nm) by LifePixel. Her adventure with IR began and continues today with a Canon 7D converted by LifePixel to Full Spectrum. She considers IR to be one of several abstract techniques, including Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) and Macro, that she enjoys.
Susanna is a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA), a leader and co-coordinator of the Carolinas’ Nature Photographer’s Association-Asheville (CNPA-Asheville) region, for which she also serves as curator of exhibits. She also facilitates the North American Nature Photography Association’s (NANPA) regional MeetUp group and is a member of the Asheville Area Arts Council. Susanna teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNCA, and teaches workshops on composition and various photographic techniques including Intentional Camera Movement and Infrared Photography. Her work can be seen in shows and exhibits in the Western North Carolina region.