Artist Profile: Cindi Roddan
If I were to sum up Cindis style of Infrared photography with one word, it would be intense. Her images pull you in and tell a story. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Infrared Conversions, IR Modifications & Photography Tutorials | Life Pixel IR
The world leader in infrared conversions, modifications & DIY IR conversion tutorials. Scratched sensor replacement, UV & Full spectrum conversions.
The world leader in infrared camera conversions
If I were to sum up Cindis style of Infrared photography with one word, it would be intense. Her images pull you in and tell a story. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Do you love Orchids? You should see them in Infrared . . . SharePinTweetEmailShare
The Compton Hill water tower is a stunning monument to an era when form and beauty were as important as function. The Tower, was designed by Harvey Ellis, for the firm of George R. Mann in 1897. Located in St Louis, MO it is one of only seven of these structures still standing in the […]
Shaun is a photographer with an amazing control of light. His images have such depth and evoke so much emotion. I had to speak with him about his Infrared photography SharePinTweetEmailShare
Okay, I have another opportunity for you to try a new software FREE. Umm, . . . but there’s one little detail……. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Before I get started I need to tell you a few things in full disclosure. First, I got this card reader almost a year ago and have been using it nearly every day. Second, . . . . I am a card reader serial killer. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Donald Cook was the very first winner of the Life Pixel Monthly Photo contest, in May. Donald was new to Infrared photography, and his prize gave him the opportunity to make IR images with a converted camera. I caught up with Donald recently to see how he was doing with his Infrared photography. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Founded in 1853, Washington University is a private Research University located in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. Washington University or “Wash-U” was named after the first US President, George Washington. The University campus has the classic look and feel of an old world ivy league school. A perfect place to shoot some architectural HDR in Infrared. SharePinTweetEmailShare
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Camsafe V9 anti-theft camera sling pack made by Pacsafe. If you are not familiar with Pacsafe, they design bags to keep your gear safe, and they do it with style. Let me put it this way, if James Bond needed a camera bag, . . […]
If you are looking for a low-cost, no-cost alternative to Photoshop, Lightroom, Corell, and the others, you may want to check out Autodesk’s Pixlr. The software many already know as a phone app is now available for free download to your PC or MAC. And here’s the surprise, It’s not bad, It works. SharePinTweetEmailShare
Sean Lara is a photographer in Colorado who incorporates Infrared photography into Wedding Portraiture. SharePinTweetEmailShare5 Shares
I heard it once said that you haven’t arrived as an artist until someone steals your work. Unfortunately the internet makes it easier everyday for someone to just take that perfect image you worked so hard to create. SharePinTweetEmailShare
If you are like me and love to shoot landscapes in Infrared, when it comes to lenses, the wider the better. Wide angle, no lets go Ultra wide. SharePinTweetEmailShare
The Cotton Belt Rail Depot is located in downtown Saint Louis, MO,USA. The Cotton Belt Depot was built in 1911 and was in service for many years, and then just left alone for several decades. I have photographed the Cotton Belt Depot for the last several years, with the permission of its current owners. It […]
If you are shooting with a Fujifilm X-T1, I have some exciting news for you. SharePinTweetEmailShare
PLEASE NOTE: This offer has expired If you are a regular reader of Shutterbug Magazine and receive their emails you already know they have teamed up with DxO Optics to give away FREE copies of the image processing software, DxO OpticsPro8. If you didn’t know, don’t worry I’ve got all the information right here. SharePinTweetEmailShare
John Powell is an Infrared artist from the UK. His Infrared images have such emotion and depth to them . SharePinTweetEmailShare
Have you ever looked at a new product and thought,… “It’s about time!” or “why didn’t I think of this? Well this happened to me when I tried out the new Cap Gorilla. I’ve heard it said there is genius in simplicity and this item proves it. The basic idea behind Cap Gorilla is it […]
One of the biggest challenges a photographer faces when taking Infrared portraits is the “Dead Eyes” Because the eyes absorb light to create mental images, less is reflected back to the sensor, making the area of the eyes appear darker. SharePinTweetEmailShare7 Shares
Canon released its fourth version of Digital Photo Professional, the software that comes with the camera. If you are a Nikon user, you just yawned, but for Canon users this is exciting news. DPP 4.0 will work with 64 bit operation systems and offers updates and improvements over the previous version, notably the ability to […]