Infrared Conversions, IR Modifications & Photography Tutorials | Life Pixel IR
The world leader in infrared conversions, modifications & DIY IR conversion tutorials. Scratched sensor replacement, UV & Full spectrum conversions.
The world leader in infrared camera conversions
I bring stories from nature, not just images. I share my experience of the amazing planet we live on, which has provided so much for free for so long.
I might find something amazing in my garden in Norway, or in the sky above Oslo, or in a remote wilderness far away from Norway.
I also always identify the species you see in the images – popular and scientific names, as I find it important that people know specifically what they see, and that they can google further to learn more, based on the identification.
I have no agenda other than improving my eye and how I align my final image with what my experience was. I hope to bring forth the magic I see everywhere!”