Professional modification
The main reason you should elect to go with the professional IR modification is the peace of mind of knowing it will be done right. We’ve invested a lot of money in research and development, manufacturing, custom built conversion and calibration equipment, technician training, etc. But the most important of which is the experience and know how to get the job done right and if it’s not right – we will make it right as our reputation is on the line with every camera we touch.
Believe it or not the most difficult part of the conversion process has nothing to do with all the tiny cables, connections, screws, boards, wires, solder joints, static electricity, high voltage capacitors, etc but with dust and focus.
Dust is a very nasty thing as it’s everywhere and nearly impossible to get rid of. Each cubic foot of ordinary air contains an average of a million+ dust particles. Without proper equipment and technique it’s pretty much impossible to convert a camera without trapping some dust between the sensor and IR filter. We have special equipment that reduces the number of particles in our conversion stations to less than 2 particles ≥5 µm per cubic foot of air (ISO 5 Classification).
Due to IR focus shift without proper camera focus calibration all images would end up being out of focus or at the very least with the subject out of focus. IR focus calibration is a very tricky and requires a high degree of precision and specialized equipment to carry out properly. An adjustment of as little as 1/1000 of an inch, smaller than the width of a human hair can mean the difference between good and bad focus. Every camera we convert is calibrated for proper focus, what we calibrate to depends on the selection made when ordering.
There you have it, now you decide.