It’s much simpler to use digital cameras; you don’t have to worry about light leakages and changing film in total darkness.
You can shoot thousands of infrared photographs at once then edit them quickly afterwards without having to wait hours for processing.
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Digital infrared photography is much less prohibitive than film infrared photography in terms of costs. A roll of Kodak infrared film will cost you an average of around $13, on top of which you must add developing costs. With all the bracketing needed in film IR photography you end up wasting most of the film on repetitive shots just to make sure you have at least a few shots with decent exposure.
If you develop the film yourself, it costs even more; you have to factor in the costs of chemicals and tanks. However, with digital, you can take as many exposures as you like, provided you have enough memory cards. No need to bracket as you can instantly check your image on the rear screen and there are no developing costs. In the end digital infrared photography is faster, more accurate and definitely less costly than film infrared photography.