Klaus Priebe is a Photographer and artist living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He works in both Infrared and color, and his work is nothing short of stunning.
1. Welcome Klaus, How long have you been a photographer?
I have been enjoying photography for over 30 years now. I started my love for photography in high school when my grandpa bought me a 35mm camera. I lived across the street from the town photographer so I was able to spend a lot of time shooting and processing and printing BW film with him.
2. How long have you been shooting Infrared?
I started shooting IR film when I was around 20 when I moved to Denver and began working in pro photo labs. I always loved the magical look of IR film and it stuck on me. I shot mostly HIE 35mm film and a lot of the Kodak 120-2424 BW infrared film. After many years in the darkroom I had become very allergic to film chemistry and had to give up working with film. I was pretty depress that I couldn’t develop and print my own work anymore. Soon after this Kodak discontinued the wonderful film. Shortly after that I had my first digital camera converted to IR from Lifepixel. I really liked it but lacked some of the magic IR film offered. Loved the Halation look to film. With strides in processing programs in the next several years I came to embrace my love for IR photography all over again. I have had several cameras converted to IR and now use a Canon t4i with the Lifepixel deep infrared conversion.
3. What is your best photography achievement?
One of my greatest achievements so far in photography was to win the 2013 National Geographic “Our Changing World” assignment. I am honored out of over 15,000 images the picked my “White Rim Storm” image. It was really exciting to see it published in the April 2014 issue of National Geographic magazine.
4. What do you like best about IR photography?
IR photography has no limits. I shoot IR in just about any type of lighting or situation. I use IR for more landscape work than anything else but do use it for studio work as well. I love the look and mood it gives me and for my landscape work which includes storm chasing during monsoon season here in the desert southwest. I shoot IR all year long and find it wonderful to shoot all year around. IR is such a wonderful tool to capture stormy weather. It brings out the drama of a storm much better than just the visible wavelengths of light. I find myself grabbing the IR body before the color DSLR most of the time and when the weather is bad the IR is great!
5. Do you have any projects currently going you would like to discuss?
I have several projects that I am working on which include my summer monsoon in the southwest series and the “Ethereal” series which is all IR work containing several models in landscape settings. I hope to have this completed by the end of this summer. There are a couple of images from the series included here. The first being “Eternal Light” and the second being “Learning to Fly” I have several more that can be seen on my photo.net page or my Facebook artist page “Klaus Priebe Photographer & Artist.
You can see more of Klaus work on his Facebook and on his website.
Latest articles by Dan Wampler (see all articles)
- Seal Bay photoshoot - March 7, 2023
- Major Copyright Infringement site Scroller.com - March 6, 2023
- Kangaroo Island Wallabies and Roos - March 1, 2023
Dan Wampler
Dan Wampler is a digital artist from St Louis, MO. Having been interested in art and photography since childhood, he spent most of adult life working for Kodak and in the portrait photography industry. A student of the works of Ansel Adams, Any Warhol, and David Hamilton, Dan attempted to keep a wide range of artistic style.
As an early adopter of digital imaging, he found it gave him a way to completely incorporate art and photography. Began shooting Digital Infrared in 2004, and had first camera converted in 2006. His work has been seen in numerous gallery shows, is featured in an iTunes app. He produces Infrared and natural color digital art for sale and teaches his post-production techniques online.
Dan is LifePixel's Creative Director, social media manager, lead blog author, main workshops and training sessions instructor. His images appear in this gallery and throughout the website.
If you have a topic suggestion or request feel free to shoot him an email at danwampler@lifepixel.com
Otherwise all LifePixel customer service inquires should be directed to service@lifepixel.com or by phone at 866-610-1710.
View more of Dan's work on his Website | Facebook
See All Articles by Dan Wampler
i honestly spoken, i am a big fan your! i follow your article for several years! you provide about IR photography! it is really impactive to capture horrible stormy and any kind of horrible weather by the IR! i agree with you that in any kind of weather IR is great! thank you so much! i will wait for your next article!
Really great blog, Dan. I love all the photos you chose for it. Did the dogs stop barking? lol. This is a wonderful acknowledgment of Klaus and his work. Until I read this article, I didn’t know how long he had been using IR. Those lab chemicals are very potent. I’m glad he found an alternative.
Klaus, I still hope we can go on that photo outing in Sept.
Realy nice work what Klaus shows us everytime again !! Hope to see many more and perhaps someday go along with Klaus chasing for Nice pics in New Mexico 🙂
I have been following Klaus’s photography for several years, I love his work, his attention to detail, and composition ranks right up their with the big names in his field. his photography will give the viewer the feeling as though they are in the image, astounding! His expertise is phenomenal. With Klaus’s work I cannot choose which category are my favorite, I think they are all my favorite, that is how professional his worK is!
Thank you Theresa 🙂 You are very kind.
I recently purchased the promise at an auction I love it and was wondering where I could find the others in this series thank you