Note: I started writing this before the Eclipse started today, and will finish it after it is over.
Today is the big day, the full Solar Eclipse. An event that hasn’t occurred here since, . . . a long time and won’t occur again, . . . for a long time. It’s going to be the biggest event to occur since, . . . the last biggest event. I live in St. Louis, MO in the path of totality. I can view it from my front yard. People are traveling great distances to photograph it, EVERYBODY is going to photograph it, right? No, not everybody, I decided not to. About two months ago I realized that I made the decision Not to photograph the Eclipse. I stopped telling people I wasn’t going to shoot it because I got tired of the shocked looks and the gasps of “But you,….. you’re a photographer” As though I was braking some big rule.
So, Why am I not shooting it?
My reasons for not photographing the Eclipse are:
#1. Why bother? There will be no shortage of Eclipse images. Since everyone is going to be capturing this, tomorrow the interwebs will be full of millions of Eclipse photos. For a very short time the Eclipse will be bigger than “Despacito”, or whatever became the latest craze while I was sleeping last night.
There’s one good reason. But honestly, #2 is closer to the real reason.
#2. It’s just against my nature. Whenever there is something that “everybody” is doing, I automatically don’t want to do it. If I am walking out a door with a group, and everyone goes to left, I want, need to go to the right. I feel like the Eclipse was marketed and over sold like every other event we have nowadays.
So what am I going to do?
I thought I’d try this old little used trick called “experience it”. I have my heavy duty, Super safe, Eclipse glasses.
My wife got them for me. They are very cool, and make me look like one of the X-Men. I also have one very important, necessary item, a large glass of iced tea. It’s hot outside.
Here I go:
11:55am There is a tiny piece out of the sun. My glasses are working fine as long as I don’t try and walk.
12:07pm There is a bit more of the sun covered now. I put the glasses on too soon when walking back outside and bumped into a column on the front porch. Note to self: don’t do that again.
12:17pm Avoided the column this time. Still more of the Sun covered. I’m glad I’m watching this, but in truth it’s not real exciting. Think I’ll grab a sandwich and then look again.
12:30pm Umm, …yeah. More of the Sun is covered. The sandwich was good BTW, tuna salad on an Asiago bagel. I find that the trick to making a good tuna salad is . . . uh, yeah we’re talking about the Eclipse. So, anyway…..
12:40pm Now about half of the Sun is covered. I’m trying to be opened minded about this (okay, not really) but this isn’t really all that exciting. AND, a bug just decided to suicide dive into my iced tea. Great!
12:50pm About ¾ of the Sun is covered. I have a new glass of iced tea.
1:18pm Okay, this is kinda cool. The Sun is almost completely covered. It’s dark and looks like right after sunset and there is an eerie feeling. It feels a little cooler.
01:30pm Now there is less Sun Covered. Had I been shooting this, I could have stopped and flipped the first images over in Photoshop.
Note: I went back out a few more times, but my observations were not worth mentioning
02:45pm It is over.
Now that is is over, now that the “Solar Event of the Century” has happened, do I regret not shooting it?
NOPE, I’m good.
I’m glad I saw it, glad I experienced it, but really don’t feel bad I choose not to shoot it.
NOW, (inhaling, then speaking quickly)
Please understand that if you are someone who thought this was an amazing event and spent a great deal of time and money to capture this Eclipse, I am not running down your choices. Life is about choices and for me not shooting it was my right choice. AND, I look forward to seeing the images you captured. (exhaling)
I am so glad this piece is done, and so very glad I have spell check as I cannot seem to spell Eclipse correctly today.
Oh, one more thing. Taking bids.
Let me know.
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Dan Wampler
Dan Wampler is a digital artist from St Louis, MO. Having been interested in art and photography since childhood, he spent most of adult life working for Kodak and in the portrait photography industry. A student of the works of Ansel Adams, Any Warhol, and David Hamilton, Dan attempted to keep a wide range of artistic style.
As an early adopter of digital imaging, he found it gave him a way to completely incorporate art and photography. Began shooting Digital Infrared in 2004, and had first camera converted in 2006. His work has been seen in numerous gallery shows, is featured in an iTunes app. He produces Infrared and natural color digital art for sale and teaches his post-production techniques online.
Dan is LifePixel's Creative Director, social media manager, lead blog author, main workshops and training sessions instructor. His images appear in this gallery and throughout the website.
If you have a topic suggestion or request feel free to shoot him an email at
Otherwise all LifePixel customer service inquires should be directed to or by phone at 866-610-1710.
View more of Dan's work on his Website | Facebook
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I didn’t shoot it either, Dan. Like Jimmy above I didn’t want to risk my camera or my eyes and like you said there will be plenty of stock images. We were not in the “total” zone but it did get a little darker. On a different note, I really enjoy my IR conversion and the instruction I got from you that makes it work that much better.
I can understand your choice.
Cool Dan. I didn’t shoot it either. My main reason was I didn’t want to ruin my camera sensor and I was in the 80% coverage area. It really wasn’t all that, it only lasted about 2 minutes.